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Mid way through Mental Health Awareness Week feels like an opportune time to report on this year’s Year 12  Young Enterprise Company, ‘You’, who created and sold T shirts designed to raise awareness of mental health issues.

The ‘You’ T shirts carried a very simple and striking message, a blue heart on the front and sleeve and the slogan, ‘wear your heart on your sleeve’ on the back.

The young business people had Storms Ciara and Dennis to contend with before Covid-19 struck but, undeterred, attended 3 local farmers’ markets to sell their T shirts. At these events they were taken aback by how many members of the public were willing to share with them their own struggles with mental health and were congratulated on raising awareness of what can still be seen as a taboo topic.

When the West Kent Finals were cancelled the company made a video presentation and were chosen to represent West Kent at the Kent Finals where, we recently heard that they received the Customer Focus Award. Congratulations to ‘You’ on what they have achieved, not least adapting their business in unpredictable and changing circumstances.

Back at ‘Virtual Wally’, we are gearing up for Thursday’ s ‘Digital Detox’ where students will be encouraged to study away from their screens, with the exception of PSHEE for Years 7, 8 and 9 where they will log back onto Teams to attend a webinar from adolescent development and wellbeing specialist Emma Gleadhill entitled, ‘Transition, Separation and Emerging from Lockdown’. Parents are welcome to join their daughters in what promises to be an insightful, inspiring and supportive opportunity to bolster wellbeing.

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