There was a buzz about School yesterday with external speakers and visiting alumnae delivering workshops and inspiring advice to our students on Careers Day.
Careers Coordinator Mrs Hayes had been busy!
Year 8 spent the day in EBH, being introduced to the concept of ‘leadership’ by the Diverse Leaders Network. They became Wally’s Governing Body for the day and had to decide on the School’s priorities, presenting their cases to Miss Ferro, Bursar Mr Horner and Careers Governor Mrs Crosley at the end of the day.
Elsewhere, Years 9, 10 and 12 were enjoying team-building workshops run by the Army Elite Skills Academy. Students had listened to army mechanic Amy, describe her life path.
Abi from Elent UK talked students through some key finance matters: career choices, salaries, student loans and deciphering a payslip. Linda from We Do Social Media shared tips on business communication. Oonagh from InvestIN had students working on how to present themselves to employers. There was a workshop from Jade from LinkedIn and Mike from “Discover Fortunes” used games to encourage students to think about Financial Planning.
In the afternoon, six alumnae with roles with the British Library, the Bank of England and the Wimbledon Championships among others, gave talks to students.