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After a cancellation in 2020 and a postponement in 2021, both due to Covid, we are delighted to be planning a return for our Annual Summer Reunion on Saturday 11 June 2022!

All former students are invited. Those who left in a year ending in a 2 may be especially interested in coming back to School to celebrate their milestone anniversaries, so 2012, 2002, 1992, 1982, 1972, 1962, 1952…leavers do feel free to use the occasion to get your year groups back together.

The afternoon kicks off at 2:00pm. There will be the opportunity to revisit old haunts, catch up with friends, visit the archives and enjoy a fabulous Walthamstow Hall tea.

Please do rsvp using the link here Annual Reunion RSVP  or by contacting Sally Pelling spelling@whall.school.

We look forward to seeing you.