
Helping others, spotty accessories and a big cake sale; the fantastic charity Children in Need was supported across the whole of Wally Hall on Friday.

At the Junior School, Head of Learning Support Mrs Ireland and Pupil Welfare Leader Mrs Downs led assembly, linking the the charity’s aims of helping others to the national Anti-Bullying week which falls in the same week in the calendar.

Mrs Downs described how Junior School staff help and inspire us, using props to help girls guess who she was talking about, for example a hedgehog hand warmer that Mrs Conway keeps in her office and a keyboard for Co-Curricular Coordinator Mrs Atkinson. Girls paid a £2 donation for wearing their spotty accessories.

At the Senior School, students baked, sold, bought and ate a vast array of delicious cakes. Well done to Olivia in Year 9 for baking the spotty cake which was bought for £15! The entire cake sale raised over £600, a fantastic sum.

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