
Wardrobe gallery

All the rehearsals and hard work paid off in three fantastic performances of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe last week. The C. S. Lewis tale of good versus evil in the land of Narnia was retold with energy and skill by pupils from every year group.

Head of Music Mr Giles directed the production. He said despite the challenges of an unfamiliar score, complex choreography and dense passages of dialogue to learn, he was “blown away by the commitment and determination of every single pupil involved, particularly our departing Year 6s who have led with such distinction”. Mr Giles’s beautiful piano accompaniment certainly helped raise the girls’ performances.

He paid tribute to Head of Art Mrs Bradshaw for her dedicated work on costumes, set design and tech. Mrs Bradshaw created the magnificent papier-mâché headdresses for the wolves, beavers and stags and an impressive lion’s head for Aslan.

Many thanks to all the parents and families who supported the girls and attended the performances.

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