
Willows gallery

In an inspired move, the Senior School Drama Department took its summer production to the beautiful Riverhill Himalayan Gardens.

The riverbank tale of Ratty, Mole, Badger, Toad and a host of other woodland creatures found its perfect setting by the water feature of the beautiful walled garden, against a backdrop of peonies and alliums in full midsummer bloom.

Ninety students were involved in The Wind in The Willows, either as cast or crew – that’s nearly a quarter of the entire Senior School.  The actors had worked on their characterisations: Toad was properly preposterous, Mole was endearing and Ratty and Badger were masterful and a little pompous. Different actors played the lead roles after the interval. Rabbits, stoats, weasels, a wily fox and a grumpy horse all scampered, slunk and stamped their way into the action. As always, Miss Leather composed original music for the production.

Audiences enjoyed the two performances seated on the gently undulating grass terraces of the amphitheatre design, enjoying a Pimms or fruit juice served from the “Himalayan Hut”.

Many congratulations to the Drama Department for masterminding such an enchanting event, and for including so many students.

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