
It’s week three of ‘The Hub’, our daily virtual space for the whole Senior School community (students, staff and their families if they’d like) to get together for some uplifting, relaxed and sometimes silly time away from lessons.

The virtual hub, can be found on MS Teams every lunchtime at 13:45 and sometimes before and after School too. There’s always something to get involved with, or just to observe with your camera off, if you’re feeling quieter that day.

Show off your pet this Tuesday at 13:45 with Head of Key Stage 3 Mrs Hofmann or join Mrs Isted and Head of Sixth Form Mrs Brown baking rock cakes in a cook-along this Thursday 4th at 16:30. Find the recipe here. Thank you to the History Department for today’s  informal politics chat. Next week’s schedule promises palm reading with Head of Maths, Mr Dakin – can this be true?!

Hub originator, Head of Key Stage 4, Miss Franzen is delighted when students want to host – there was a good Harry Potter quiz from Lucy in Year 8 last week. So, don’t hang back or feel alone,  click on your Teams invitation to The Hub.

Other school community initiatives include older students organising uplifting starts to the day for pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9. Our thanks in advance to Caitlin for her piano playing this week and to our Peer Mentors. We’ve also had great feedback from Years 10 and 11 who enjoyed Friday night’s virtual Escape Room. Nine teams took part, using Googlemaps and Youtube to find “Mr X”, the winners taking less than half the recommended time to find the answer.


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