
Walthamstow Hall Friends and Parents

The Walthamstow Hall Friends and Parents is the charity that supports the School by building relationships between parents, staff and friends of Wally and by raising funds to support projects that enhance the pupils’ educational experience.
Coming Up
  • AGM for parents, staff and friends Monday 3 June 2024 – Details here
Getting Involved
Walthamstow Hall Friends and Parents relies on parent volunteers from across the School community. We need help to:
  • manage the charity as part of the WHFP Committee,
  • organise fundraising events and activities on our event sub-committees,
  • liaise with parents as Form Social Co-Ordinators, and
  • run our second-hand uniform shops on both sites.
Whatever your interests or whatever time you can spare, there is something for you. Please contact whfp@whall.school to find out more – we would love to hear from you.
Giving Back
WHFP raises funds to support projects that enrich the pupil experience, and we encourage funding bids directly from pupils.
We have recently supported the redecoration of the Junior School libraries and raised beds for the Horticulture Club, whilst the Senior School has benefitted from improvements to the outdoor amenity space, an electric car for the Wally Greenpower Club, and a Colorado timing system for the swimming pool.
Funds have now been allocated for two Junior School projects and have been ringfenced for a Senior School funding proposal – look out for details in early 2024.
Recent Events & News
  • Parents Quiz Night
  • Junior School Playground Equipment
  • Early Years Toniebox Listening System
  • Winter Ball
  • Christmas Fair
  • Junior School Film Night
Get in Touch
Contact the Walthamstow Hall Friends and Parents Committee: whfp@whall.school

Where Next?