

The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.

Independent Schools Inspectorate Report

We aim to give pupils opportunities to realise their potential and become life-long learners, able to contribute positively to tomorrow’s world.  We lay foundations for them to develop into interesting, confident adults, keen to learn and able to tackle the challenges that lie ahead.

A broad curriculum runs throughout the School using a weekly timetable structured to provide a healthy balance of academic subjects, music, performance, art and sports.  The curriculum is brought to life in stimulating lessons from inspirational teachers, who make learning exciting and enjoyable whilst teaching the pupils’ to question and take on responsibility for themselves and others. Combined with excellent facilities, our pupils have all they need to become interested learners, encouraged to think independently, express their thoughts and opinions confidently and make excellent progress in all subjects.

A cornerstone of the Junior School curriculum is ‘Theme Days’, such as ‘Compassion Day’ and ‘Curiosity Day’.  Pupils participate in the fun and thought-provoking workshops and projects which stimulate further discussion and development.

Whilst the national curriculum provides the foundation, we go far beyond national curriculum recommendations and achieve standards which exceed national expectations.

Pupils are encouraged to develop the skills to become active learners through innovative curriculum areas such as our ‘Leaps and Bounds’ programme which teaches confidence and collaboration in performance.

Our specialist facilities include a Science Laboratory, Design Technology, Art Room as well as well-stocked Libraries and dedicated Music Centre, all at the scale to be enjoyed by Junior School aged children.  Our well-equipped Science Laboratory enables pupils to carry out practical experiments as they learn to solve questions through testing, predicting, collating results and drawing conclusions.  Skills in computing are developed in the up-to-date Computing Suite, as well as on tablets and laptops used in classrooms across a wide variety of lessons.

Learning outside the classroom plays a pivotal role in further enrichment, be it within our own grounds or visits in the local area and beyond.  Class trips to museums, galleries, castles, coastlines and residential venues are regular events in the school calendar as are workshops run in School by outside speakers.

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