

The Junior School Sports programme encourages team-work, personal fitness and competition against other schools and, in some instances to a regional and national level.  Swimming, Netball, Rounders, Tennis, Gymnastics and Athletics are key strands of the programme and ballet is also offered as a part of the Early Years curriculum.  The programme is led by the Head of PE who is supported by PE teachers and specialist coaches, notably for Swimming, Netball, Gymnastics and Dance.

PE lessons feature in the curriculum in Early Years with pupils in Pre-School having one lesson of PE and one lesson of Ballet each week.  The number of lessons dedicated to sport increases as pupils enter Reception with two PE lessons, one Swimming lesson and one Ballet lesson per week.

In Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6), pupils have four lessons of PE per week plus one lesson of Swimming.  Pupils begin to participate in competitive sport with the opportunity to play Netball against local schools as well as Cross Country, Athletics, Tennis and Rounders.  Within their lessons, pupils develop their knowledge of attacking and defending principles, tactics and executing the correct techniques. There is a strong focus on being creative through Dance and Gymnastics by developing routines and analysing peer performance.  Through outdoor and adventurous activities pupils develop their team work and communication skills, exploring how to solve problems and work closely with their peers.  They are encouraged to demonstrate appropriate match etiquette and are rewarded for doing so.


All pupils have a weekly timetabled lesson at the Swimming pool at the Senior School. In addition to their lessons there is a recreational swimming club, called Riverbank, offered to pupils and squad and elite clubs, by invitation, to swimmers.


Matches in Netball, Swimming, Rounders, Athletics, Football, Cricket and Cross Country are played against other local schools.  Teams also represent our School in national IAPS (Independent Association of Prep Schools) competitions.  Match details are published in the school calendar and here on the website.  Transport to and from matches is normally by school minibus.

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