
School Routines

The School Year

The dates for School terms are published at least one year in advance, they are emailed home and available to view here.  A termly calendar of important dates and fixtures is published a term in advance.

It is expected that parents will not interrupt their child’s education by taking holidays in term time.

Term Dates 


Timings of the School Day

Key Stage 2 (Years 3 - 6)

Arrive at School8.00 - 8.20
School day starts - Registration, Form time, reading, Hymn Practice Thursdays8.30
Lessons 1 - 38.55
Morning Break10.40
Lessons 4 - 611.00
Lessons 7 - 9, followed by Form time13.55
Home time15.50

Lesson Timetables

Pupils are given their own Pupil Planners into which they enter daily lesson timetables and homework details. Parents and Form Teachers are asked to read and sign Pupil Planners at the end of each week as confirmation that homework has been completed.

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