Classics Week
It's full throttle in the Classics Department for a week devoted to the stories, myths, gods and goddesses of the ancient world and their continuing presence in our lives. Bestselling…
It's full throttle in the Classics Department for a week devoted to the stories, myths, gods and goddesses of the ancient world and their continuing presence in our lives. Bestselling…
Every child in the Junior School took part in a rousing, uplifting Harvest Festival in which we gave thanks for all that we have. In a packed hall, girls performed…
We are offering you some operatic escapism this Friday - a short and witty version of the fairy tale Cinderella is being performed at the Senior School Main Hall. Our…
Riverhill KS1 gallery Key Stage 1 had a magical morning exploring the beautiful grounds at Riverhill Himalayan Gardens and collecting natural objects for their potion boxes. Girls saw the Rock…
Congratulations to our Junior School Head Girl Rosie and her two deputies Evie and Charlotte. These three Year 6 pupils were elected by pupils and staff at the Junior School,…
We are thrilled to announce that Nick Castell has been appointed as the new Senior Deputy Head at Walthamstow Hall. Mr Castell has been working at Walthamstow Hall for over…
We are delighted to share the news that the A*/A grades achieved by Walthamstow Hall Year 13 leavers represent the best A level examination results since at least 2017. Highlights of the…
UKSA gallery Year 6 came back tired but very happy after three days of water-based adventures at UKSA on the Isle of Wight. After a sunny ferry ride over to…
Wardrobe gallery All the rehearsals and hard work paid off in three fantastic performances of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe last week. The C. S. Lewis tale of…