

Walthamstow Hall Senior School is one of the UK’s top performing independent schools with a long-established reputation for identifying talent and achieving excellence in all areas.  The School’s winning combination of top flight teaching, motivated students, exceptional facilities and effective partnerships with parents ensures that every pupil becomes the best that they can be.  Since its foundation as a charity for missionary daughters in 1838 the School has maintained a strong ethos of making a Walthamstow Hall education accessible to talented pupils whatever their circumstances.

Walthamstow Hall Senior School offers financial Awards to students who show exceptional promise academically or in sport, drama, music or art, or a combination of these. This is determined through Walthamstow Hall assessments. Scholarships are Awards worth between up to 20%, per discipline, of tuition fees. Students wishing to apply for a Scholarship are assessed by interview and, where appropriate, audition/practical assessment. Awards worth 5 – 20% of the value of annual fees are usually the norm. Sixth Form scholarships are available for Academic, Creative Arts, Drama, Music and Sport, and parents are able to apply for awards in up to a maximum of two disciplines.



Scholarships are offered to pupils who demonstrate exceptional promise in Walthamstow Hall Senior School assessments.

Academic Scholarships

Academic Scholarships are offered at the Year 7, Year 9 and Year 12 entry points to the school.

At Year 7 entry, the School requests confirmation early in the Autumn term from parents who wish their child to sit academic scholarship papers.  In addition to the ISEB entry test, candidates will be invited into Walthamstow Hall to sit scholarship papers in English and Maths.  These papers are each one hour long and are set by Walthamstow Hall.

Year 7 Allrounder Scholarships.  For those candidates who excel in more than one discipline (Academic, Music and Sport; Academic and Music; Academic and Sport; Music and Sport) can apply for an Allrounder Scholarship.  Candidates will take part in the assessments which relate to the disciplines offered in their application.

At Year 9 entry, both existing Walthamstow Hall pupils and candidates from other schools sit Walthamstow Hall entrance papers in Maths, English, Science, a language and one other subject (chosen from History, Geography, Latin or Religious Studies, nominated by the student).  Award offers are made based on performance in these examinations.

At Sixth Form entry, scholarship offers will be based on an academic scholarship interview and mock GCSE results.

Music Scholarships

Music Scholarships are offered at the Year 7, Year 9, and Year 12 entry points to the School.

At Year 7 entry, candidates will audition in front of a panel that includes the Director of Music and a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Candidates are required to perform in at least two disciplines (which may be instrumental or vocal), one of which should be at Grade 4 level or above. Candidates will also be required to demonstrate their sight-reading ability, will have a short aural assessment, and will be interviewed by the panel.

The same audition process is followed for Year 9 entry, where candidates should be performing at Grade 5 level in their principal discipline. It is generally expected that the candidate will study Music at GCSE if successful in winning a Scholarship

This process is followed again for Sixth Form, where candidates should be performing at Grade 7 level in their principal discipline, including an extended aural assessment. It is generally expected that the candidate will study Music at A Level if successful in winning a Scholarship.

Existing Music Award holders will be invited in Year 11 to reapply for Scholarships in for the Sixth Form.

Music Scholars are required to be members of Senior Choir, Orchestra (either Symphony or Training), and at least one chamber ensemble, and to perform in or otherwise support all of the School’s musical events, including Open Mornings.

For more information please contact the Registrar, Mrs Alex Knight on 01732 468703 or at registrar@whall.school 

Sports Scholarships

Sports Scholarships are offered at the Year 7, Year 9 and Sixth Form entry points.

At Year 7 entry, candidates attend a sports assessment morning at Walthamstow Hall.  The assessment includes a range of activities designed to test leadership, team work, skills, aptitude and potential.  (Candidates are not expected to have played lacrosse before). Candidates are also asked to submit references from two sports coaches, from for example, outside clubs that they play for.  Candidates short listed for an Award will also be interviewed by a panel.

The same assessment, interview and reference process is followed for internal and external candidates for the Year 9 Sports Awards.

For Sixth Form Sports Awards, skills and leadership skills will be assessed along with an interview with the Director of Sport, Headmistress and outside assessor.  References from two sports coaches/teachers will be requested.  There is no requirement to study PE at A Level.

Existing Sport Scholars (from 2024 for Year 7 Award holders and 2022 for Year 9 Award holders) will be invited to reapply for Sports Awards in Year 11 for Sixth Form.

Sports scholars are expected to attend all relevant School sports practices and coaching sessions, to represent the School when selected for matches and competitions and demonstrate exemplary sportsmanship and team work.  The participation and support of School sport will be reviewed annually and the continuation of scholarship support reviewed accordingly.

For more information please contact the Registrar, Mrs Alex Knight on 01732 468703 or at registrar@whall.school

Drama Scholarships

Drama Scholarships are only offered at the Year 9 and Sixth Form entry points to the school.

For Year 9, candidates have an interview, undertake group work, including improvisation, and perform a prepared audition piece in front of a panel of internal and external adjudicators.  For applicants from other schools a reference request will be made to their current school regarding the suitability of an Award.

For Sixth Form, candidates will have an audition and an interview in front of a panel.  For candidates from other schools a reference request is made to their current school regarding the suitability of the Award.  It is generally expected that the candidate will study Theatre Studies at A Level if successful in winning an Award.

Existing Drama Scholars (from 2022) will be invited to reapply for Drama Awards in Year 11 for Sixth Form.

Drama Scholars are expected to support the Drama department, performing in and assisting backstage in school productions.

Creative Art Scholarships

Creative Art Scholarships are offered at Year 9 and Sixth Form entry points.

For Year 9, candidates sit an Creative Arts examination at Walthamstow Hall and submit a portfolio of work which is assessed by the Headmistress and Head of Art.  They are also required to undertake work in controlled conditions.

In Sixth Form candidates can choose one of the three Creative Arts disciplines. Candidates need to submit a portfolio of work which will be assessed by the Headmistress and Head of Art/Textiles or 3D Design and will have an interview the Head of either Art/Textiles of 3D Design and the Headmistress. A reference request will be sent to the current school of outside applicants on the suitability of the Scholarship.  It is generally expected that the candidate will study Art, Textiles or 3D Design at A Level if successful.

Creative Arts scholars and expected to be committed members of the Arts and Culture committee, taking an active role by supporting or leading projects, activities and events. Year 12 Creative Arts scholars are also expected to share experiences of studying Fine Art with younger students through clubs and events.

For more information please contact the Registrar, Mrs Alex Knight on 01732 468703 or at registrar@whall.school

Scholarship Conditions

  • Candidates for Sports, Music, Drama and Creative Art Awards must fulfil Walthamstow Hall’s usual entrance criteria in the school’s entrance examinations, interview and Head’s report.
  • Award examinations/practical assessments must be taken on the designated scholarship examination/assessment days at Walthamstow Hall.  For Year 7, 9 and Sixth Form entry candidates must sit all scholarship papers on the designated day at the School.  No exception can be made to this requirement.  For Year 7 and 9 entry, overseas candidates may sit the entrance exams (but not scholarship papers) at their current school.
  • The Headmistress’s decision on the offer and value of an Award is final.
  • It is a matter of integrity that parents consider very carefully their commitment to taking a place at Walthamstow Hall when they apply for an Award.  If an Award is offered but parents subsequently decline their daughter a place at Walthamstow Hall the Award will not be offered to another candidate who would have benefited.
  • Walthamstow Hall assume that if a Scholarship is applied for and given that it will be accepted for the duration of a student’s career at Walthamstow Hall until the completion of her Sixth Form studies.
  • Scholarships are applied retrospectively each term based on satisfactory progress, participation and conduct in School.
  • We are always delighted when parents accept an honorary Award so that the financial discount associated with an Award can be re-diverted into the School’s Bursary fund.  In such instances the pupil is still recognised as a scholar and receives her scholarship prize.

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