

Pupils’ high levels of self-belief are nurtured by a very supportive form tutor and house system that provide an individual focus and enable friendships to develop within and across year groups.

Independent Schools Inspectorate Report, 2019

Walthamstow Hall’s strong Senior School House system encourages pupils of all ages to get to know each other and collaborate in the many inter-House activities over the course of each academic year. The vertical grouping of the House system gives many opportunities for pupils to develop inter-personal skills, team work and the ability to work with others, whilst promoting the spirit of fair competition, leadership and the concern of the older for the younger pupils. Competitions like House Music and the different House sports competitions are fought with a fierce, friendly and fun spirit and enable all pupils to represent their House. This is one of the practical ways in which we ensure all pupils have the opportunity to be included in teams and to enjoy the experience of public performance.

Every pupil belongs to one of six Houses, all named after houses of interest in the local area;

  • Chartwell (home of Winston Churchill)
  • Down (Charles Darwin’s home)
  • Knole (home of the Sackville-West family)
  • Montreal (formerly a large country estate in Sevenoaks)
  • Penshurst (after Penshurst Place)
  • Quebec (the home of General Wolfe).

Pupils are allocated a House as they join the School. Sisters and family members are assigned to the same House and the daughters of Walthamstow Hall ‘old girls’ can also be a member of the same House as their mother was. Every pupil has a House shirt and blazer lapel badge in their House colour.

  • Chartwell – Royal Blue
  • Down – Purple
  • Knole – Light Blue
  • Montreal – Green
  • Penshurst – Red
  • Quebec – Pink

There are two Year 13 House Captains for each House, elected by senior pupils and staff members of each House in the Summer term of Year 12. House Captains are responsible for organising House activities. Members of staff are also each allocated to specific House to lend support and to help House Captains where appropriate.

House Competitions

Inter-House Competitions take place every term.

House Competitions

Autumn TermBench Ball
Spring TermHouse Music
Summer TermAthletics

House Charities

Over the course of the academic year each House also raises funds for a House charity of their choosing. Every House delivers a House Prayer to introduce their nominated charity and then undertake fund raising initiatives.

House Points

House points are earned through the House competitions but also to individuals. Teachers award House points for outstanding effort and service, pupils who accrue the highest numbers of House Points are announced in the final assembly of the School year where the annual House Cup is awarded to the House with they most points.



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