
School Routines

The School Year

The dates for School terms are published well in advance.  They are emailed home and are always available to view, Term Dates.  We expect, therefore that parents will not interrupt their child’s education by taking holidays in term time.

Termly calendars and fixtures are published and sent home in the preceding term.

Fixtures are accessed via the SOCS app and via this link.

The School Day

The Senior School day starts at 8.35am and pupils should make every effort to reach School by that time in order to attend registration.  If a pupil arrives late or is attending an early lesson during registration, she must report to the Hub Receptionist immediately on arrival and sign the Late Book before going to any other part of the School.  Pupils can arrive at school from 7.30am when they can have breakfast in the Dining Hall.  Breakfast must be booked in advance by contacting whoffice@whall.school.

A variety of clubs and activities take place during the extended lunch break including games practices, music and drama rehearsals and some extra-curricular lessons.  Pupils in Years 7 to Year 11 may not leave the school premises during the School day.  Registration takes place at 3.50pm and pupils should have left the School premises by 4.15pm unless in Late Study or in a staff supervised activity.

Late Study

Supervised Late Study on Mondays to Thursdays is held in the Library from 4.15pm until 6.00pm.  Pupils staying for Late Study have a traditional tea (fruit, bread, freshly baked cake, juice etc.) in the Dining Hall before making their way to the Library or ICT Suite where supervised Late Study is held.

Parents request that their child attends Late Study in advance.  There is a charge for each session for supervision and refreshments.

All pupils who use the School mini buses automatically attend Late Study at no extra charge.

On Fridays all pupils leave at 4.00pm.

After School Activities

After School activities include choirs, orchestra, drama rehearsals, sports, clubs and fixtures.  Pupils are expected to represent the School if selected for any of these activities.

Attendance and Absence

Parents must inform the School by 9.00am if their child will be absent, 01732 468750 absence@whall.school.  Immediately upon her return to School parents must give a written explanation for their child’s absence, addressed to the Headmistress headmistress@whall.school or by letter handed in to the Form Tutor.

Requests for absence in advance should be made in writing addressed to the Headmistress, or by emailing absence@whall.school.  No pupil will be allowed to leave School without prior permission.  As far as possible all appointments should be made outside School hours, but should this be unavoidable pupils must sign out and in again via the Hub Reception.  If a pupil is sent home during the School Day, they must sign out at the Hub Reception when they leave the building.  If this is for medical reasons they must be collected by a parent.

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