Cambridge Union Debate Finals

Cambridge Union Debate Finals


Well done Danielle and Isabella who finished in the top half of an impressive field of seventy teams debating at the Cambridge Union Society at the weekend. It was a…

Glorious Goodwood

Glorious Goodwood


Goodwood Gallery Our Greenpower Car Club students put months of careful engineering to the test on Sunday, when they took their electric car to race at Goodwood. The challenge to…

World School Sports Games

World School Sports Games


More impressive swimming news from Imogen in Year 8. She has been selected by ESSA to swim at the International Schools Sports Federation Games in Brazil in August. Imogen will…

Debating Finals

Debating Finals


Good luck to Bella and Danielle, who are heading to the Finals Day of the International Competition of Young Debaters hosted by the Cambridge Union this weekend. Our two Year…

Colourful Chemistry

Colourful Chemistry


Year 13 Chemists took their learning to their Staffordshire Peak District just before Easter. They visited the historic Ecton Mine, donning hard hats to go underground and find some ores.…

Easter Ski Trip

Easter Ski Trip


Bormio ski trip gallery Everyone - that's 120 students and 13 staff - came back safe and sound after having a fabulous time on the slopes at Bormio in Italy.…

Devised Drama: The Rose

Devised Drama: The Rose


Year 12 A Level Drama students performed a seriously dramatic devised play for their examined piece The Rose. Their play was set in England at a time of religious persecution,…

Badminton Semi-Finalists

Badminton Semi-Finalists


An update on our badminton teams' progress. The A teams in Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) and Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11) are both through…

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