Senior Sports Day 2024 – Cancellation

Senior Sports Day 2024 – Cancellation


Unfortunately we have made the difficult decision to cancel tomorrow's Senior School Sports Day at Tonbridge School. The forecast is poor for the majority of the day, with possible lightning…

The Wind in the Willows

The Wind in the Willows


there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much doing as simply messing about in boats Ratty   Willows rehearsal gallery   Join Moley, Ratty, Badger and scores of…

Wally Pop

Wally Pop


Wally Pop Gallery Big congratulations to everyone who had the courage and charisma to perform at the Wally Pop concert just before Half Term. Wind Band opened the evening with…

Science Week 2024

Science Week 2024


Science Week 2024 The theme this year was Space: what is out there? and it began with a giant Astrodome Show in the Senior School Main Hall. Students watched agog…

Diana Award School Ambassadors

Diana Award School Ambassadors


Congratulations to our Diana Committee whose work has led to Walthamstow Hall being chosen as Anti-Bullying Ambassador School of the Month for March 2024.  The Committee comprises 25 students across…

National Champions

National Champions


Huge congratulations to our U14 badminton team who won the national finals at Aylesbury High School yesterday. Shraddha, Daya, Lizzie, Elishka and Holly were triumphant against a team from Birmingham’s…

National Silver

National Silver


Well done to our U15 netballers who won silver in the National SNS Cup Finals this week. SistersNSport is a knockout competition and there were four teams in the Finals…

Opera performances

Opera performances


Let the Music Department transport you on an enchanted journey of magic, romance and timeless music this week! Talented students across Years 7-13 will be performing Mozart's The Magic Flute…

A Level Psychology

A Level Psychology


This year we are offering Psychology A Level for the first time and it has already become next year's most popular A Level subject for Year 11s entering the Sixth…

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