2.6 Challenge

2.6 Challenge


Dear Students and Staff, This week's 'Active Challenge' from the PE Department is for Junior and Senior School pupils and staff to complete the 2.6 Challenge, and help Walthamstow Hall…

Good Works

Good Works


We're really enjoying hearing about the wonderful ways in which Senior School students have been putting their free time to good use during lock down. A selection of stories from…

Stopping and Staring

Stopping and Staring


Over the Easter break students have been busy stopping and staring! Years 7, 8 and 9 took up a challenge set by Head of Key Stage 3, Mrs Hofmann, to…

Phones off in the Fresh Air

Phones off in the Fresh Air


Here is a little advert for this week's Q task for Year 7 students. Q is Walthamstow Hall's specialised study and life skills programme and is a weekly fixture in the time…

Today’s Assembly

Today’s Assembly


Miss Ferro welcomed students and staff to the start of the Summer term today via a virtual assembly available on Firefly. Miss Ferro introduced the assembly by saying, "Although we…

Mask Making

Mask Making


Head of Design Mrs Evans has put her expertise to excellent use this Easter, manufacturing 500 masks a day for local nursing homes. She has been ably assisted by Senior…

Welcome Back

Welcome Back


We are very much looking forward to the start of our virtual Summer term tomorrow. Form teachers and form tutors will be catching up with students in morning registration from…

Mrs B-M Recommends

Mrs B-M Recommends


Performances in our own Ship Theatre and trips to other theatres further afield are usually a constant presence in our School calendar. In the current absence of live Drama Mrs…

500 Words

500 Words


Many congratulations to Senior School students Annabel N, Florence L and Lucy C whose entries to the BBC Radio 2 500 Words short story competition have reached the second round…

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