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Enterprise Club

It confirmed my passion for business whilst also providing me with life-long skills such as public speaking and negotiation.

Enterprise is well established at Walthamstow Hall and is an exceptionally popular co-curricular option for Year 12 students, all of whom have the opportunity to participate in the club.  In recent years, teams have progressed through to the county, regional and even national rounds of the Young Enterprise Competition, and in 2021 a team of Walthamstow Hall students won National Runners-up in the Institute of Chartered Accountants’ BASE competition, competing against 550 schools.

Our Enterprise Club gives students a very real experience of testing their entrepreneurial flair, the practicalities involved in running a business, working as a team, developing communication skills and an insight into financial literacy.  Working in teams, and supported by our Business teacher, students set up a company and develop a product idea which they then design, produce, market and sell.  This involves market research, sourcing raw materials, setting a pricing structure, promotion and selling opportunities, followed by liquidating the company and hopefully, dispersal of funds.

In the Spring term students in teams of four take part in the BASE competition, competing against over 500 other schools.

ICA’s National Competition 2020/21 Runners-Up

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