Results Update

Results Update


Monday 17 August 16.23. We are following the breaking news on the BBC regarding the Government's decision on A Level and GCSE results being based on Centre Assessed Grades very…

Year 13 Set Sail

Year 13 Set Sail


Walthamstow Hall’s Year 13 embarked on the next stage of their life voyage today as they received the A Level results which will see them to their next destinations. The School’s results summary is…

House Photography Competition

House Photography Competition


For our Summer Term House Competition we asked students to photograph their perceptions on different aspects of lock down, for example, paying greater attention to the natural world around them…

Charity Round Up

Charity Round Up


The golden and red balls filling the Charity Board 'Totaliser' tubes each represent £100. The tubes were filled to the top by Director of Sport and Charities Coordinator Miss Leggett…

Thanksgiving on Thursday

Thanksgiving on Thursday


Junior and Senior School parents are very warmly invited to join their daughters at our virtual End-of-Year Celebrations at 11.00am on Thursday. Pupils will receive an email recommending the Firefly…

Performing in Today’s Prayers

Performing in Today’s Prayers


Wally's favourite Pop Combo are back and better than ever! The Manic Street Teachers have put their musical differences behind them and reformed for a special one-off half term performance…

Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness


Mid way through Mental Health Awareness Week feels like an opportune time to report on this year's Year 12  Young Enterprise Company, 'You', who created and sold T shirts designed…

Special Guest at Today’s Assembly

Special Guest at Today’s Assembly


We have a special guest joining our virtual assembly/Prayers today. The Mayor of Sevenoaks, Councillor Nick Busvine has recorded a short film for us reflecting on what lock down has…

Teachers Step Up to the 2.6 Challenge

Teachers Step Up to the 2.6 Challenge


In between teaching, marking and lesson planning in our new virtual school our 'can do' teachers have been picking up the 2.6 Challenge gauntlet and running, cycling, walking, press upping,…

Where Next?