In Good Company

In Good Company


Year 12 Young Enterprise Company, 'Raised', are really getting the business bit between their teeth with sales under their belt, stock production rolling on and a Young Enterprise debating competition…

It’s a Wrap

It’s a Wrap


It's a wrap! We've been busy filming in the fantastic Sixth Form Centre this week, gathering footage for some new Sixth Form films, including an update of the film we…

Waking up to Red Nose Day

Waking up to Red Nose Day


The Senior School blasted into the morning with a 15 minute Wake and Shake routine, to welcome in Red Nose Day. Staff and students showed they had Moves Like Jagger…

Lacrosse Nationals

Lacrosse Nationals


The U12 and U13 Lacrosse teams set a winning pace when they beat St Ronan's 9-1 and 8-4 in home matches last Wednesday, giving our more senior teams a tough…

Going for Gold (and Silver and Bronze)

Going for Gold (and Silver and Bronze)


Exciting Duke of Edinburgh news. 2018 Leavers Sophie and Genevieve have received invitations to Buckingham Palace in May where they will collect their Gold Awards. This fantastic news came in…

United Nations

United Nations


Eight Year 12 students have arrived at the London School of Economics for a weekend of discussion and debate at the Model United Nations. We look forward to hearing all…

High Drama

High Drama


Year 12 performed their devised play, 'Keep it in the Family' on the 5th February. The harrowing play, which the students wrote and staged themselves, showed the unravelling of a…

Arguing her Point

Arguing her Point


Congratulations to Isabella in Year 12 who was awarded Runner Up at the Young Enterprise Public Speaking competition in January. Isabella spoke about the UK's environmental goal of being plastic-free…

Physics Olympiad

Physics Olympiad


Many congratulations to Year 13 Isabelle, who today, was presented with her Bronze 1 certificate from the Physics Olympiad. The Physics Olympiad is run by the University of Oxford and…

Where Next?