‘Like a West End Production’

‘Like a West End Production’


'You did it! You did it! You said you would do it and indeed you did...like a West End Production...' Audience member, My Fair Lady Many, many congratulations to the…

New Student Leaders

New Student Leaders


Congratulations to the new Senior School House Captains, Prefects and Head Girl Team: Frances, Scarlett and Michela as they take up their new school leadership roles this term.

Walthamstow Hall Students Set Sail

Walthamstow Hall Students Set Sail


Teachers at Walthamstow Hall in Sevenoaks were on hand to celebrate with and advise Year 13 students and their parents this morning as they collected their A level and Cambridge…

Oxbridge Advice

Oxbridge Advice


Many thanks to Alex Drewe, a Leaver from 2016, who came back to Wally today to talk to Year 12 students who are considering making Oxbridge applications. Alex is studying…

Highly Enterprising

Highly Enterprising


At the end of term, this year's Young Enterprise team, Novoneesh, wrapped up their prize-winning business in their AGM. Novoneesh has been Wally's most profitable Young Enterprise company, winning this year's Kent title and…

Where Next?