EPQ 62% A*
Congratulations to these Year 13 students for their stunning results in the optional EPQ which they took last year. Of the twelve students who took the Extended Project Qualification seven…
Congratulations to these Year 13 students for their stunning results in the optional EPQ which they took last year. Of the twelve students who took the Extended Project Qualification seven…
Peter Pan Gallery The show may be over but we have the memories - and photos. In Prayers this afternoon Ms Chamberlain asked everyone who had been involved in the…
Half term means holidays and House events! This academic year's House competition got underway today with House Bake Off. A magnificent array of House cakes provided sustenance for the whole…
The Senior School is ending half term in the pink with everyone adding the colour to their uniform today as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Thank you to all…
Borneo Gallery 2023 A look back at the amazing four week trip to Borneo with Camps International that twenty of our students went on in July, accompanied by staff members…
Please come and find out about life in the Walthamstow Hall Sixth Form at our Open Evening next Thursday 5th October 2023. The evening will start with talks from Headmistress…
Norfolk Broads Gold Expedition Congratulations to all the students who completed Duke of Edinburgh expeditions over the summer. Twenty-eight students passed their Silver assessments on the South Downs and seven…
"This is it! You have so much to look forward to!" Head of Sixth Form Mrs Brown gave an encouraging welcome to Year 12s on their Induction Day. Among the…
Big congratulations to our Year 13 leavers, whose A Level grades today see the majority of them heading for their first choice destinations including highly competitive degree courses and apprenticeships.…