
Ethos and Values

Walthamstow Hall educates girls with academic potential to lead confident, challenging and fulfilling lives in the 21st century.

Our core values are:

  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Aspiration
  • Community
  • Individuality

Walthamstow Hall is a school where:

  • All individuals are respected and their individuality valued;
  • Pupils are encouraged to achieve and expectations are high;
  • Consideration for others and self-discipline are promoted and good behaviour is the norm;
  • Pupils learn both to lead and to serve and develop a sense of responsibility within school and in the wider community;
  • Rewards and sanctions are applied consistently and fairly;
  • Pupils, staff, Governors and parents work in partnership.

Respect for self and others, a strong sense of community and a pride that comes from sharing in a great tradition, make Walthamstow Hall a dynamic place in which individuals are known and valued.  In a supportive and stimulating setting, girls grow confident in their own abilities.  They become assured and courageous, able to take pleasure in their achievements and equally happy to celebrate the achievements of others.  From the moment they join the School, girls are helped to cultivate ‘smart’ study habits, and to engage fully not only with the broad curriculum, but also with the rich co-curricular programme.  Our pupils do not label themselves as either ‘academic’, ‘sporty’ or ‘musical’.  The leads in our school plays are as likely to come to rehearsals from the Chemistry Labs or Maths Suite as from the Drama Studios.  Expectations at Walthamstow Hall are high in every sense and the vast majority of pupils progress to university.  The young adults who leave us are articulate, at ease with themselves, ready to hold their own in any company and well-prepared to excel in whatever direction they choose in life.

The school is highly successful in meeting its aim to value individuality, establish high expectations and enable high achievement in a wide variety of subjects and activities.

Independent Schools Inspectorate, 2019


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